Episode 151: Apple and Google Team Up


Funny moment in Zoom: 1:00


Apple: 2:02

- iOS 14 API Clips.

- iPhone 9/SE still expected in April.

- Mac Pro now available in refurbished store.

- Today At Apple transitions to Today At Home.

- Apple and Google partner for an opt-in pandemic tracking service.


Free things to do while you stay at home: 13:22


Google: 22:04

- Hangouts Meet changes to Google Meet.

- Google to require seamless updates for devices launching with Android 11.

- Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge to no longer receive security updates.


Microsoft: 30:00

- Microsoft hires former Apple Executive to head Holo Lens.

- Probably going to be delaying Surface Duo.


Gaming: 32:34

- Xbox Game Bar opens up to 3rd party developers.

- Xbox UI update.

- Google is offering Stadia Pro trial for 2 months.

- Stadia free version is now available.

- Dual Sense controller.

- Overwatch is launching a new hero.

- Valorant Beta.

- Bleeding Edge launches.

- PUBG update starts crashing.

- Saints Row 5 announced.

- Just Cause 4 free on Epic game store.

- Assassins Creed 2 free on Uplay.

- Fallout 76 Wastelanders update.

- GameCube dock for Switch made by Brooks.

- Switch selling out world-wide. 







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