We are celebrating 2 years of this podcast! Yay!! 4:08
Google: 6:14
- Pixel 3 XL Review
- Pixel 3 features coming to older Pixels: 35:01
- Exclusive Pixel 3 Features: 37:44
- iFixit report for Pixel 3.
- Unfortunate wireless charging.
- An Easter Egg inside the Easter Egg.
- Google has new security mandates for OEMs.
- Free 4K upgades in Play Movies & TV.
General Tech: 48:33
- iFixit partners with Motorola.
Microsoft: 54:19
- Co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allan, dies at 65.
- Microsoft is making lots of money.
General Tech: 1:00:50
- Snap Chat is bringing it's filters to the desktop.
Apple: 1:05:42
- iOS 12.0.1 available.
- iPhone Xr now available in store.
- Oct. 30 hardware event.
General Tech: 1:19:43
- i9 9900K benchmarks
Gaming: 1:21:55
- i9 9900K is bad for gaming.
- GTX 2070 benchmarks
- Mila Jovovich is going to be in a Monster Hunter movie.
- Another DOOM mod.
- Red Dead Redemption 2 is available.
- Xbox Game Pass coming to PC.
- Holiday sales for Xbox.
Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com
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